Misplaced Life

Misplaced Life…!!!

Misplaced Life is a cultural conversation about current events, hot topics, and personal stories between two very opposite best friends. Ginger Ramsey, a white, Hippie Rock Chick Gen-Xโ€™er, and her black, gay Millennial friend, Donzell Lewis, co-host this show about embracing our life’s journeys. Misplaced Life includes casual yet informed discussions that “dig deep” into current events, hot topics, and cultural trends – all with a serious message and a light-hearted tone.

“In order to create the universal, you must pay very great attention to the specific.”

Lorraine Hansberry, playwright

This famous quote by the famous playwright Lorraine Hansberry, speaks to the idea that understanding our own, individual experiences, along with those of others, is what leads to our commonality as humans. It changes the thinking from “I” and “Me” to “Us” and “We.” By also sharing their personal stories, along with those of their guests, Ginger and Donzell attempt to bring to light this idea that when we reveal, understand, embrace and support each other’s journeys as well as our own, we realize that we are more alike than not. In essence, our differences can bring us together, not apart. We all have those times in life where we feel “MISPLACED” – not where we should be – whether it be in a relationship, career, or any other situation. Each of those “missteps” or “wrong turns” are all necessary parts of our LIFE journey. We are never really in the wrong place, as we are always living the right life. “Misplaced Life” The understanding of this idea is yet another point of universality of humans as a whole. Our stories and experiences may not be the same, but the emotions or feelings that we have throughout our individual journeys are often felt by others.

Death is only the beginning. That is what Alexa Hamilton realizes when she discovers herself beyond the land of the living. She must enlist the help of her best friend and a handsome, but stubborn detective to try to put the missing pieces of her life back together. Alexa faces the biggest challenge of her life when she has to choose between seeking revenge upon her killer or the hereafter. Or perhaps she can have both? Only time will tell.

We are all conditioned to rank, rate or categorize each other – quite simply, it’s part of our human nature. Or is it? Maybe it is, but why? In this episode, we talk about the prejudices that exist within the fight for equality, and how our “human nature” plays a role. We talk about the origins of this conditioning of “status” and “hierarchy” as it pertains to each other. Throughout our history, there has always been manipulation in so much messaging in man’s attempts to exert power over each other.

We also talk about how much the movement is really moving, and how much more it could move by harnessing the energy of everyone’s quest for equality. Just like the ladder when you are learning the multiplication tables in elementary school – everyone wants to get to top at 144 (12 x 12) – listen in – it will all makes sense ๐Ÿ™‚

Ginger is a former 20+ year music industry executive turned artist and “soccer mama” with two teenagers. Donzell has been an artist all of his life, loves acting, his single life and his crazy cat, Mr. Monroe. They are very different “on paper,’ but one thing they have in common is that they are both from the South (and they both LOVE deviled eggs) & about us. They are the best of friends who share an appreciation of art in all forms, an interest in understanding many perspectives on life, a deep love for all humans and a strong, sincere motivation for equality of all people from every race, every background (Misplaced Life), every gender and sexual orientation. For more information on Donzell, please check out his website: www.donzelllewis.com

Misplaced Lens: Bringing His Journey into Focus (With Special Guest, Photographer Brian Bowen Smith) Misplaced Life

You may have seen his work and not even realized it, as he shoots for many of your favorite movies, TV shows, actors and musicians. Join us this week to hear our very special guest, Brian Bowen Smith, tell us about his own personal journey. What began as a difficult childhood in upstate New York, Brian's life has taken various turns and today, he brings all of his experience and perspective to his craft. Friends, colleagues and celebrity subjects all say that he has a very innate sense of the people he shoots, and is often able to capture them in a way that feels authentically "them." In this week's episode we learn how his desire to be seen as he was growing up without very many opportunities affected his ability to "see" things through his own lens and bring that unique perspective to his work. He also takes us through his process for his most recent photography book BBS Drivebys, that chronicles his journey across 11,000 miles in the height of Covid shutdown. Click here for more information on where you can find the book: bbsdrivebys.com and please follow him on Instagram @brianbowensmith!And as an added bonus, hear Ginger talk about her "Manifestation Birthday Cake" collaboration with @LACustomCakes! You won't believe what Michael Carney (owner & founder) did to celebrate her "undisclosed age" birthday!!! We'll never tell…….Follow us on IG @misplaced.life and like us on FB @misplacedlifepodcast – feel free to comment back to us with your thoughts on our podcast and let us know if there is a "Misplaced Life" situation that YOU would like discussed. –Peace & love…..Ginger & Donzell
  1. Misplaced Lens: Bringing His Journey into Focus (With Special Guest, Photographer Brian Bowen Smith)
  2. Mental Misplacement: The Navigation and Normalization of Mental Health
  3. Misplaced Values: The Inequities Within the Fight For Equality
  4. Misplaced Life: Is Saving Our Democracy 1 Vote Closer? (With Special Guest, Frances Berman)
  5. The Perfect Storm (Part 2): Misplaced Truths and Wrong-Way Energy

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